Symfony 4, get .env parameter from a controller, is it possible and how? Symfony 4, get .env parameter from a controller, is it possible and how? symfony symfony

Symfony 4, get .env parameter from a controller, is it possible and how?

For Symfony 5

in your .env file


in your config/services.yaml

parameters:    app.paramname: '%env(APP_PARAM)%'

in your controller


If someone is stil looking for a quick fix but not much symfonish,

define your parameter in .env

MY_PARAM='my param value'

and then in controller call it

echo $_ENV['MY_PARAM'];

if you call the varaible in the controller you better define it in the config/services.yaml under parameters section and access it through parameterBag is much symfonish way.

Did you try with:

$this->getParameter('your parameter');


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