Symfony 4 - Lexik/JwtAuthenticationBundle - Cannot change token_ttl default value Symfony 4 - Lexik/JwtAuthenticationBundle - Cannot change token_ttl default value symfony symfony

Symfony 4 - Lexik/JwtAuthenticationBundle - Cannot change token_ttl default value

I have just realized that I defined my own token creation action, calling:

$this->get("lexik_jwt_authentication.encoder")->encode(array("username" => $username, "exp" => $expirationTime));

So there is no problem! ( the only problem is between the chair and the screen perhaps :) ). Sorry for that and @AythaNzt thanks for your reply anyway.

You are probably working in prod mode so you must clear cache.


  • php bin/console cache:clear --no-warmup --env=prod
  • php bin/console cache:warmup --env=prod

Or change the APP_ENV value to dev.