Symfony functional test - custom headers not passing through Symfony functional test - custom headers not passing through symfony symfony

Symfony functional test - custom headers not passing through

I have the same issue and after a little dig through I think it is a feature that BrowserKit currently doesn't support.

I have logged an issue for it:

Update: this is not an issue -- see the comments below

Sample Code

Sample request:

$client->request(    'GET',    $url,    array(),    array(),    array(        'HTTP_X_CUSTOM_VAR' => $var    ));

Fetching the data:


If you check the definition from Client.php, at method request, you will see in the docblock a very useful information:

  • @param array $server The server parameters (HTTP headers are referenced with a HTTP_ prefix as PHP does)

This means that you should add a HTTP_ prefix to the header you want to send. For example if you want to pass header X-HTTP-Method-Override you specify it like so:

    $client->request(        Request::METHOD_POST,        '/api/v1/something',        $body,        [],        ['HTTP_X-HTTP-Method-Override' => Request::METHOD_GET]    );