Symfony Webpack/Encore processing unreferenced source images Symfony Webpack/Encore processing unreferenced source images symfony symfony

Symfony Webpack/Encore processing unreferenced source images

  1. Create a s subdirectory under web root:

    Symfony 3:


    Symfony 4 & 5:

  2. Configure your new subdomain:

    Symfony 3: (app/config/config.yml)

    framework:    assets:        base_urls:            - '%protocol%://s.%host%'

    Symfony 4 & 5: (config/packages/assets.yaml)

    framework:    assets:        base_urls:            - '%protocol%://s.%host%'


    1. %protocol% is either http or https accoring to you environment
    2. %host% is your host, maybe or something.
  3. Configure Webpack (webpack.config.js)

    Symfony 3:

    var Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');Encore    // ...    .setOutputPath('./web/s/build/')    .setPublicPath('/build')    .setManifestKeyPrefix('build')    .cleanupOutputBeforeBuild()    // ...;module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();

    Symfony 4 & 5:

    var Encore = require('@symfony/webpack-encore');Encore    // ...    .setOutputPath('./public/s/build/')    .setPublicPath('/build')    .setManifestKeyPrefix('build')    .cleanupOutputBeforeBuild()    // ...;module.exports = Encore.getWebpackConfig();
  4. Put all your images inside /web/s or /public/s according to your Symfony version.

  5. Inside your Twig views, access them like below:

    <img src="{{ asset('photo.jpg') }}" alt="Photo"/>
  6. Accept and hit upvote on this cool answer!

In webpack.config.js, you could add .copyFiles() to the Encore object. This will take an object with "from", and "to" keys, with a couple of wildcards.

Here is an example:

.copyFiles({    from: 'src',    to: 'images/[path][name].[ext]'})