Symfony2 custom Voter: cannot have access to getDoctrine from inside the Voter Symfony2 custom Voter: cannot have access to getDoctrine from inside the Voter symfony symfony

Symfony2 custom Voter: cannot have access to getDoctrine from inside the Voter

I solved it. This is pretty curious: I spend hours or days on a problem, then post a question here, and I solve it myself within an hour :/

I needed to add the following in my voter class:

public function __construct(EntityManager $em){    $this->em = $em;}

I needed to add the following on top:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; 

I also needed to add the arguments in the service.yml

security.access.project_voter:    class:      AppBundle\Security\Authorization\Voter\ProjectVoter    arguments: [ @doctrine.orm.entity_manager ]    public:     false    tags:       - { name: security.voter }