Symfony2 get validation constraints on an entity Symfony2 get validation constraints on an entity symfony symfony

Symfony2 get validation constraints on an entity

I would probably use the validator service instead of instantiating a new class metadata. You never know if some classes are initialized through the service.

$metadata = $this->container                 ->get('validator')                 ->getMetadataFactory()                 ->getClassMetadata("Name‌​space\JobBundle\Entity\Job");

and $metadata should have the data you are looking for

Symfony 2.3 and above

$metadata = $this->container                 ->get('validator')                 ->getMetadataFor("Name‌​space\JobBundle\Entity\Job");

private function getValidations()    {        $validator=$this->get("validator");        $metadata=$validator->getMetadataFor(new yourentity());        $constrainedProperties=$metadata->getConstrainedProperties();        foreach($constrainedProperties as $constrainedProperty)        {            $propertyMetadata=$metadata->getPropertyMetadata($constrainedProperty);            $constraints=$propertyMetadata[0]->constraints;            foreach($constraints as $constraint)            {                //here you can use $constraint to get the constraint, messages etc that apply to a particular property of your entity            }        }    }

$metadata=$validator->getMetadataFor(new yourentity());

The object $metadata now contains all the metadata about validations that concerns your specific entity.