Symfony2: How to pass url querystring parameters to controllers? Symfony2: How to pass url querystring parameters to controllers? symfony symfony

Symfony2: How to pass url querystring parameters to controllers?

To work with GET / POST parameters in a controller that extends Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller:

public function updateAction(){    $request = $this->getRequest();    $request->query->get('myParam'); // get a $_GET parameter    $request->request->get('myParam'); // get a $_POST parameter    ...}

For a controller which does not extend the Symfony base controller, declare the request object as a parameter of the action method and proceed as above:

public function updateAction(Request $request){    $request->query->get('myParam'); // get a $_GET parameter    $request->request->get('myParam'); // get a $_POST parameter    ...}

You can't specify your query string parameters in the routing configuration files.You just get them from the $request object in your controller: $request->query->get('foo'); (will be null if it doesn't exist).

And to generate a route with a given parameter, you can do it in you twig templates like that :

{{ path(route, query|merge({'page': 1})) }}

If you want to generate a route in your controller, it's just like in the documentation you linked:

$router->generate('blog', array('page' => 2, 'category' => 'Symfony'));

will generate the route /blog/2?category=Symfony (the parameters that don't exist in the route definition will be passed as query strings).