Symfony2 - HWI/OAuthBundle can't find user provider Symfony2 - HWI/OAuthBundle can't find user provider symfony symfony

Symfony2 - HWI/OAuthBundle can't find user provider

Add to security.yml

providers:                                 hwi:                                       id: hwi_oauth.user.provider    

or your custom user provider service

Above is almost correct. It should be added to security.yml not services.yml. See below for example in context.

providers:    in_memory:        memory:            users:                admin: { password: somesecretpassowrd, roles: 'ROLE_ADMIN' }    hwi:                                       id: hwi_oauth.user.provider

This exception appears when services.yml is put below security.yml in config.yml. Apparently, hwi_oauth service has to be defined before it's going to be used in security providers. So the correct sequence of resources in config.yml is supposed to be:

          - { resource: services.yml }         - { resource: security.yml }