Symfony2 predefined parameters Symfony2 predefined parameters symfony symfony

Symfony2 predefined parameters

They're under Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel.php;

/** * Returns the kernel parameters. * * @return array An array of kernel parameters */protected function getKernelParameters(){    $bundles = array();    foreach ($this->bundles as $name => $bundle) {        $bundles[$name] = get_class($bundle);    }    return array_merge(        array(            'kernel.root_dir'        => $this->rootDir,            'kernel.environment'     => $this->environment,            'kernel.debug'           => $this->debug,            ''            => $this->name,            'kernel.cache_dir'       => $this->getCacheDir(),            'kernel.logs_dir'        => $this->getLogDir(),            'kernel.bundles'         => $bundles,            'kernel.charset'         => $this->getCharset(),            'kernel.container_class' => $this->getContainerClass(),        ),        $this->getEnvParameters()    );}

You can also see them in app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php:getDefaultParameters() (it's at the end of the file), along with all the other parameters available to your application.

/** * Gets the default parameters. * * @return array An array of the default parameters */protected function getDefaultParameters(){    return array(        'kernel.root_dir' => $this->targetDirs[2],        'kernel.environment' => 'dev',        'kernel.debug' => true,        '' => 'app',        'kernel.cache_dir' => __DIR__,        'kernel.logs_dir' => ($this->targetDirs[2].'/logs'),        ...    );}