Symfony2 Use Doctrine in Service Container Symfony2 Use Doctrine in Service Container symfony symfony

Symfony2 Use Doctrine in Service Container

According to your code, you already have an EntityManager injected. You don't need to call $em = $this->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager() — just use $this->em.

If you don't inject an EntityManager already, read this.


You need to make the container inject an EntityManager into your service. Here's an example of doing it in config.yml:

services:    your.service:        class: YourVendor\YourBundle\Service\YourService        arguments: [ @doctrine.orm.entity_manager ]

I prefer to define bundles' services in their own services.yml files, but that's a bit more advanced, so using config.yml is good enough to get started.

For easily accessing the Entitymanager use the following one:

//services.yml  your service here:    class: yourclasshere    arguments: [@doctrine.orm.entity_manager]

And in the class itself:

class foo{  protected $em;  public function __construct(\Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em)  {    $this->em = $em;  }  public function bar()  {      //Do the Database stuff      $query = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();      //Your Query goes here      $result = $query->getResult();  }}

This is my first answer so any comments are appreciated :)

Please try this code:

 $em=$this->container->get('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); $rolescheduels=$em->getRepository('OCSOCSBundle:RoleScheduel')->findByUser($user->getId());