symfony2 use multiple url pattern for a single Controller Action using regular expression symfony2 use multiple url pattern for a single Controller Action using regular expression symfony symfony

symfony2 use multiple url pattern for a single Controller Action using regular expression

When using annotations, you can define multiple routes. Like that:

/** * @Route ("item1") * @Route ("item/2") * @Method("GET") */public function itemAction() {}

I'm using Version 2.0.9

Do you mean placeholders with requirements?

blog:    pattern:   /blog/{page}    defaults:  { _controller: AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index, page: 1 }    requirements:        page:  \d+

Here you have multiple routes defined by a placeholder, validated by regular expressions going to the same controller action.


Each part of the url can be a placeholder.

blog:    pattern:   /{type}/{page}    defaults:  { _controller: AcmeBlogBundle:Blog:index, page: 1 }    requirements:        type: blog|articles        page:  \d+

Annotations example for routes with parameters :

/** * @Route("/shops/{page}", name="shops") * @Route("/shops/town/{town}/{page}", name="shops_town") * @Route("/shops/department/{department}/{page}", name="shops_department") */public function shopsAction(Town $town = null, Department $department = null, $page = 1){ ... }

Then generate route in twig like this :

{{ path('shops_town') }}


{{ path('shops_town', {'town':}) }}


{{ path('shops_department', {'department':}) }}