Symfony2 - Why voters are called even for SuperAdmins Symfony2 - Why voters are called even for SuperAdmins symfony symfony

Symfony2 - Why voters are called even for SuperAdmins

In the IddqdVoter class, you have a special role called ROLE_IDDQD.

This voter adds a special role ROLE_IDDQD which effectively bypasses any, and all security checks (including voters).

This is what you're looking for. More : IDDQD Voter

You can even set an alias for the IDDQD role, so I guess that you can alias the ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN to the ROLE_IDDQD. If you can't do that, simply grant the ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN the ROLE_IDDQD and you're ready to go.

In order to use this special role, you'll have to enable it by doing so :

#config.ymljms_security_extra:    enable_iddqd_attribute: true