Symfony4 - 'app/config/config.yml' is missing? Symfony4 - 'app/config/config.yml' is missing? symfony symfony

Symfony4 - 'app/config/config.yml' is missing?

Why not to create it config/packages/fos.yaml ?Or add in one of existing config/packages/foo.yaml ?

for that problem you can try this:

Create fos_user.yaml file under config/packages folder then you can add the configuration code as usual, symfony4 will load it automatically.

As Arnold Richmon indicated. Also, in the fos_user.yaml file you need to add config options as:

fos_user:    db_driver: orm # other valid values are 'mongodb' and 'couchdb'    firewall_name: main    user_class: App\Entity\YourUserEntityClass    from_email:        address: "youremail@yourdomain.whatever"        sender_name: "yoursendername"