UML / API : How to model a RESTful API UML / API : How to model a RESTful API symfony symfony

UML / API : How to model a RESTful API

So the solution to my problem was a bit of all of the following : : I concluded from this that, although it's difficult to model a restful api in a class diagram (since it's basically just a bunch of methods), consider the classes like "Resources", add the methods (basically the HTTP methods), and the paths to each resource.

This was also of huge help:

Another (simpler) way was to use tools like Pikturr, which transform your Swagger into a UML diagram.

Softwares for designing REST APIs :

  • Visual Paradigm
  • IBM Rational Software Architect

I hope this helps.

Api Platform automatically generates a Swagger documentation for your API at the URL http://localhost/docs.json.

You can generate an UML diagram from the Swagger documentation using tools like

It is too late, but this is another approach.

If you do not know about Visual Paradigm you can give it a try.

You can use this content, Visual Paradigm - How to Design REST API with UML?. It is easy, to represent your REST API. I prefer Postman Collections BTW (it is not UML).

But if you are doing some other kinds UML artifacts for documentation purposes. Well, Visual Paradigm gives you a bunch of UML diagrams to do that. So you keep that ecosystem of diagrams.

See ya.