Unrecognized option "resource" under "fos_user" Unrecognized option "resource" under "fos_user" symfony symfony

Unrecognized option "resource" under "fos_user"

Dlondero's suggestion fixed the issue, the fos_user configuration should be set in config/routes.yaml.

From documentation, routes are never automatically added in configuration.

If I am not wrong, config/packages/routing.yaml file is not for routes, it is the config file for routing bundle, you can not put your routing configs to there. Instead, you should put them under config/routes folder, as bundle_name.yml.

Like this, eg. config/routes/imagine.yml:

_liip_imagine:    resource: "@LiipImagineBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

move the :

fos_user:    resource: "@FOSUserBundle/Resources/config/routing/all.xml" 

into config/routes.yaml insted of confing/packages/routing.yml