Validation (vs) Sanitization in Symfony2+Twig? Validation (vs) Sanitization in Symfony2+Twig? symfony symfony

Validation (vs) Sanitization in Symfony2+Twig?

  1. You should not worry at all about input sanitization, Doctrine is immune to sql injection

  2. By default, all output is escaped. So even if $text has script tags, it will be escaped; visible as text but not executed by browser. And if you want to have clickable, there are jquery plugins that can do that for you.

  3. I would only put validation, there is

    new Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Url() ;

available for you

There is also a nice symfony2 bundle that allow users to implement input filtering in entities using Annotations. Like this :

/*** @Filter\StripTags()* @Filter\Trim()* @Filter\StripNewlines()** @var string*/public $email;

The bundle : dms-filter-bundle

I think Symfony and CakePHP are frameworks and the save process can't correctly know the input context and what it will save into DB. Developer knowns the context, if it's URL, HTML, SQL, etc, , even when outputting data, so output sanitization is often chosen, and if the developer wants to implement input sanitization, he always can and uses some existing tools.

You can use HTML Purifier to "purify" all user inputs.