Bouncing ball game tkinter canvas Bouncing ball game tkinter canvas tkinter tkinter

Bouncing ball game tkinter canvas

The problem is that the speed of the platform is dependent on the auto-repeat speed of your keyboard.

Instead of moving once for each <Right> or <Left> event, use a key press to start the platform moving in the desired direction and a key release to stop the platform moving. Then, use after to repeatedly move the platform in the given direction.


after_id = Nonedef platform_move(direction):    """    direction should be -1 to move left, +1 to move right,    or 0 to stop moving    """    global after_id    speed = 10    if direction == 0:        canvas.after_cancel(after_id)        after_id = None    else:        canvas.move(platform, direction*speed, 0)        after_id = canvas.after(5, platform_move, direction)canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-Right>", lambda event: platform_move(1))canvas.bind_all("<KeyRelease-Right>", lambda event: platform_move(0))canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-Left>", lambda event: platform_move(-1))canvas.bind_all("<KeyRelease-Left>", lambda event: platform_move(0))

The above code doesn't handle the case where you might press both keys at the same time, but that can be handled with a little additional logic. The point is to show how you can use the keys to start and stop an animation.