Change the color widget by using GPIO in Raspberry Change the color widget by using GPIO in Raspberry tkinter tkinter

Change the color widget by using GPIO in Raspberry

1) I think you need timer to run atur() to test if push-button was pressed. Now program doesn't know that you pressed push-button

In __init__() and in atur():

self.parent.after(10, self.atur)

2) Yes it is possible with self.parent.after(milliseconds, function_name)

3) Do you mean two push-button connected to GPIO ? I think yes.


Example with timer changing btn2 color every 500ms.
I think now program should change btn1 color by pressing push-button. (not tested)

from Tkinter import *import tkFontimport Tkinterimport RPi.GPIO as GPIOGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)GPIO.setup(10, GPIO.IN)class PersamaanKuadrat:    def __init__(self, parent, title):        self.parent = parent        #self.parent.geometry("1280x560")        self.parent.title(title)        self.parent.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW")        self.aturKomponen()        self.parent.after(10, self.atur)        self.parent.after(500, self.change_color)    def aturKomponen(self):        self.customFont = tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica", size=18)        mainCanvas = Canvas(self.parent, width=1300, height=600, bg="grey")        mainCanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)        self.kanvas = mainCanvas        self.btnCariAkar = Button(mainCanvas, text="ENTER!",            command=exit), rely=.25)        self.btn1= Button(mainCanvas, padx=30, pady=30, text="A1", bg="white"), rely=.25)        self.btn2 = Button(mainCanvas, padx=30, pady=30, text="A2", bg="white"), rely=.25)        self.btn3 = Button(mainCanvas, padx=30, pady=30, text="B1", bg="white"), rely=.55)        self.btn4 = Button(mainCanvas, padx=30, pady=30, text="B2", bg="white"), rely=.55)    def atur(self):        print "test push-button"        inputValue = GPIO.input(10)        if(inputValue == True):            self.btn1.configure(bg="yellow")        else:            self.btn1.configure(bg="red")        self.parent.after(10, self.atur)    def change_color(self):        print "change_color"        if self.btn2['bg'] == 'yellow':            self.btn2['bg'] = 'red'        else:             self.btn2['bg'] = 'yellow'        self.parent.after(500, self.change_color)if __name__ == '__main__':    root = Tk()    aplikasi = PersamaanKuadrat(root, "T")    root.mainloop()