Changing default icon in tkinter OptionMenu? Changing default icon in tkinter OptionMenu? tkinter tkinter

Changing default icon in tkinter OptionMenu?

You can use the ttk.Combobox widget instead:

om = Combobox(root, values=*myOptList)om.set(myVar)om.grid(sticky=W + E, padx=5, pady=5)om.config(compound='right', width=140)

You can turn off the indicator, and not use the compound attribute. Create the arrow as a label with an image and no borders or text. You can then use place to place the label on the far right of the button (using the relx attribute). This is the type of thing place is really good at.

You can disable the Indicator, and then use your own indicator image. Further adjust the position as it suits. Check the sample snippet below:

from Tkinter import*import PILfrom PIL import ImageTk, Imageclass MyOptionMenu(OptionMenu):    def __init__(self, master, status, *options):        self.var = StringVar(master)        self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("...")) #replace with your own indicator image        self.var.set(status)        OptionMenu.__init__(self, master, self.var, *options)        self.config(indicatoron=0, image = self.img, font=('calibri',(10)),bg='white',width=12)        self['menu'].config(font=('calibri',(10)),bg='white')root = Tk()mymenu = MyOptionMenu(root, 'Select status', 'a','b','c')mymenu.pack()root.mainloop()