Display/Update score on python using tkinter Display/Update score on python using tkinter tkinter tkinter

Display/Update score on python using tkinter

You should use Label for this purpose. You can use variable text to change its value whenever you want.

Let's take a small example:

var = StringVar()label = Label( root, textvariable=var)var.set("Hey!? How are you doing?")label.pack()

Now you can set it to anything you like anytime you want. You just need to do var.set("my text").

For reference you can look here


If you wanna do it using canvas only then you can refer to this Bryan Oakley answer.

You can use the itemconfig to change the text in the canvas item:

canvas.itemconfig(J, text=Score)

As far as creating a global variable named J... this isn't an issue related to tkinter. The best solution is to switch to an object-oriented approach, where J is an attribute of some class.