Display value of scale in Canvas in Tkinter Display value of scale in Canvas in Tkinter tkinter tkinter

Display value of scale in Canvas in Tkinter

Let me elaborate on my comment. This is what I mean (using classes, and a simplified example to suit my purpose):

from Tkinter import *class Window():    def __init__(self, master):        self.display1 = Canvas(master, width=150, height=80, relief=RAISED, bd=5)        self.display1.grid(row=0,column=0)        self.display1.create_rectangle(10, 10, 150, 80, fill='dark red')        self.slider1 = Scale(master, from_=0, to=100, length=400,                tickinterval=10, orient=HORIZONTAL, relief=SUNKEN, bd=5,                bg='white', troughcolor='black', sliderrelief=RAISED, command = self.updateCanvas)        self.slider1.grid(row=0,column=1)        self.createdText = self.display1.create_text(50, 20, font = 'Helvatica 28', text = self.slider1.get(), fill = 'white', anchor = NW)    def updateCanvas(self, sliderVal):        self.display1.itemconfig(self.createdText, text = sliderVal)master = Tk()w = Window(master)master.mainloop()

Edit: Removed the lambda from the call to updateCanvas as command for Scale widgets passes it's value when called. I was able to instead give updateCanvas a parameter sliderVal which is automatically passed, and then I use that to update the text. Also removed the call to update() as it was unnecessary.

Edit 2: Updated the code to reflect the suggestion by fhdrsdg, which allows the text to be updated without needing to destroy & recreate it every time the update function is called.