Embed icon in python script Embed icon in python script tkinter tkinter

Embed icon in python script

Actually the function iconbitmap can only receive a filename as argument, so there needs to be a file there. You can make a Base64 version of the icon (A string version) following the link, uploading the file and copying the result in your source file as a variable string. Extract it to a temporal file, finally passing that file to iconbitmap and deleting it. It's quite simple:

import base64import osfrom Tkinter import *##The Base64 icon version as a stringicon = \""" REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR BASE64 VERSION OF THE ICON"""icondata= base64.b64decode(icon)## The temp file is icon.icotempFile= "icon.ico"iconfile= open(tempFile,"wb")## Extract the iconiconfile.write(icondata)iconfile.close()root = Tk()root.wm_iconbitmap(tempFile)## Delete the tempfileos.remove(tempFile)

Hope it helps!

You probably don't need this but somebody else might find this useful, I found you can do it without creating a file:

import Tkinter as tkicon = """    REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR BASE64 VERSION OF THE ICON    """root = tk.Tk()img = tk.PhotoImage(data=icon)root.tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, img)

Solution by ALI3N

Follow these steps:

  1. Edit your .spec file like this:
a = Analysis(....)pyz = PYZ(a.pure)exe = EXE(pyz,          a.scripts,          a.binaries + [('your.ico', 'path_to_your.ico', 'DATA')],           a.zipfiles,          a.datas,           name=....       )
  1. Add this to your script:
datafile = "your.ico" if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):    datafile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), datafile) else:      datafile = os.path.join(sys.prefix, datafile)
  1. Use it this way:
root = tk.Tk()root.iconbitmap(default=datafile)

Because this wont work after You compile your script with Pyinstaller:

root = tk.Tk()root.iconbitmap(default="path/to/your.ico")

My Info: python3.4, pyinstaller3.1.1