Error while creating a menu in Python using TkInter. What am I doing wrong? Error while creating a menu in Python using TkInter. What am I doing wrong? tkinter tkinter

Error while creating a menu in Python using TkInter. What am I doing wrong?

navigation = Frame(main, bg="floral white")navigation.grid(padx=20)nav = Menu(navigation)navigation.config(menu=nav)

This is a problem. Frame objects do not support the menu configuration option. As far as I know, only Toplevel widgets allow menu. One possible solution is to make nav a menu of root instead.

nav = Menu(root)root.config(menu=nav)

Additionally, nav.add_casacde(label="Cuisines", menu=navcuisine) misspells "cascade". Try nav.add_cascade(label="Cuisines", menu=navcuisine) instead.