getting error AttributeError: '_tkinter.tkapp' object has no attribute 'getitems' getting error AttributeError: '_tkinter.tkapp' object has no attribute 'getitems' tkinter tkinter

getting error AttributeError: '_tkinter.tkapp' object has no attribute 'getitems'

I see two mistakes:

First: you define method get_items (with _ in name) but you use command=self.getitems (without _ in name)

 self.b = Button(command=self.get_items)

Second: you have arguments in wrong order is

__init__(kwargs, self, master=None, *args)

so it assigns class instance to variabla kwargs instead of self and it assigns root to self and later it has problem to find self.get_items because it means root.get_items

kwargs should be at the end, and self at the beginning

__init__(self, master=None, *args, **kwargs)