How can I create 0-9 number buttons with lambda using tkinter? How can I create 0-9 number buttons with lambda using tkinter? tkinter tkinter

How can I create 0-9 number buttons with lambda using tkinter?

Put the bulk of your code in a proper function. A best practice is that a lambda for a widget callback should only ever call a single function. Complex lambdas are difficult to read and difficult to debug.

The second part of the solution is to create a closure. The trick for that is to make the variable you're passing in bound to the lambda as a default argument.

The callback looks something like this:

def callback(self, number):    new_value = self.user_input.get() + str(number)    self.user_input.set(new_value)

Defining each button looks something like this:

def create_buttons(self):    for x in range(10):        button = ttk.Button(self, text=x, command=lambda number=x: self.callback(number))        button.grid()

Pay particular attention to number=x as part of the lambda definition. This is where the current value of x is bound to the number parameter inside the lambda.