How do I display a tkinter application in fullscreen on macOS? How do I display a tkinter application in fullscreen on macOS? tkinter tkinter

How do I display a tkinter application in fullscreen on macOS?

I believe what you want to do is use


Try this instead. It should do the trick.

from tkinter import *root = Tk()root.wm_attributes('-fullscreen','true')def quitApp():    root.destroy()button = Button(text = 'QUIT', command = quitApp).pack()root.mainloop()

If this does not work because of the MacOS then take a look at this link This useful page has sever examples of how to manage mack windows in tkinter. And I believe what you may need to get borderless fullscreen.

This bit of code might be what you need:"::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", root._w, "plain", "none")

Note: If you do use this option then you will need to remove root.wm_attributes('-fullscreen','true') from your code or just comment it out.


There is also another bit of code for tkinter 8.5+.

If you are using python with tkinter 8.5 or newer:

root.wm_attributes('-fullscreen', 1)