How to add columns to a tkinter.Listbox? How to add columns to a tkinter.Listbox? tkinter tkinter

How to add columns to a tkinter.Listbox?

You could turn the csv file into a dictionary, use the combined country and currency codes as the keys and just the codes as the values, and finally insert the keys into the Listbox. To get the code of the current selection, you can do this: currencies[listbox.selection_get()].

listbox.selection_get() returns the key which you then use to get the currency code in the currencies dict.

import csvimport tkinter as tkroot = tk.Tk()currencies = {}with open('testCUR.csv') as f:    next(f, None)  # Skip the header.    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')    for country, code in reader:        currencies[f'{country} {code}'] = codelistbox = tk.Listbox(root)for key in currencies:    listbox.insert('end', key)listbox.grid(row=0, column=0)listbox.bind('<Key-Return>', lambda event: print(currencies[listbox.selection_get()]))tk.mainloop()