How to bind spacebar key to a certain method in tkinter (python) How to bind spacebar key to a certain method in tkinter (python) tkinter tkinter

How to bind spacebar key to a certain method in tkinter (python)

from Tkinter import *from random import *root=Tk()canvas=Canvas(root,width=400,height=300,bg='white')def draw(event=None):    canvas.delete(ALL)# clear canvas first    canvas.create_oval(randint(0,399),randint(0,299),15,15,fill='red')draw()canvas.pack()root.bind("<space>", draw)root.mainloop()

You could do something like this:

from Tkinter import *from random import *root=Tk()canvas=Canvas(root,width=400,height=300,bg='white')def draw(event):    if event.char == ' ':        canvas.delete(ALL)# clear canvas first        canvas.create_oval(randint(0,399),randint(0,299),15,15,fill='red')root.bind('<Key>', draw)canvas.pack()root.mainloop()

Basically, you bind your drawing function to some top-level element to the <Key> binding which is triggered whenever a key on the keyboard is pressed. Then, the event object that's passed in has a char member which contains a string representing the key that was pressed on the keyboard.

The event will only be triggered when the object it's bound to has focus, which is why I'm binding the draw method to the root object, since that'll always be in focus.

You can aslo use canvas.bind_all("<space>", yourFunction)That will listen for events in the whole application and not only on widget.