How to change font style for part of a tkinter label How to change font style for part of a tkinter label tkinter tkinter

How to change font style for part of a tkinter label

There is nothing you can do with the label widget -- it only supports a single font and single color for the entire label. However, you can easily substitute a canvas or text widget anywhere you need this feature. There's no reason why you can't use a text widget that is one line tall and a dozen or so characters wide.

I don't think there's an out-of-the-box method for changing the font within a label, but you could make a custom label type to handle it, for example:

def customLabel(parent, row, column, bold, standard):    cLabelFrame = Frame(parent)    cLabelFrame.grid(row=row, column=column)    Label(cLabelFrame, text=bold, font=('bold').grid(column=0)    Label(cLabelFrame, text=standard).grid(column=1)

Where the arguments: parent is the containing frame, bold is your bold text, and standard is the regular text. You'd have to figure out where to split your original string and assign it to the bold and standard args.