How to create a button to select all checkbuttons How to create a button to select all checkbuttons tkinter tkinter

How to create a button to select all checkbuttons

Here is the correct code

from tkinter import *def create_cbuts():    for index, item in enumerate(cbuts_text):        cbuts.append(Checkbutton(root, text = item))        cbuts[index].pack()def select_all():    for i in cbuts: deselect_all():    for i in cbuts:        i.deselect()root = Tk()cbuts_text = ['a','b','c','d']cbuts = []create_cbuts()Button(root, text = 'all', command = select_all).pack()Button(root, text = 'none', command = deselect_all).pack()mainloop()


Button(root, text = 'all', command = select_all()).pack()


Button(root, text='all', command=select_all).pack()

Checkbutton(root, text = i).pack() returns you None. So you are actually appending Nones to your list. What you need to do is: append the instance of Button not the value which .pack() returns (None)