How to create a tkinter label for every item in a list? [duplicate] How to create a tkinter label for every item in a list? [duplicate] tkinter tkinter

How to create a tkinter label for every item in a list? [duplicate]

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from tkinter import *window =Tk()keys = ["foo", "bar"]count = 0labels=[]def change_text():    for j,l in enumerate(labels):        l.config(text=str(keys[j])+str(j))for key in keys:    # I can access the first variable created statically, but what about the others?    labels.append(Label(window,text=key))    labels[count].grid(row = count, column = 1)    count += 1print(labels)Button(window,text="Change Text",command=change_text).grid(row=count, column=0)window.mainloop()