How to create a tkinter toggle button? How to create a tkinter toggle button? tkinter tkinter

How to create a tkinter toggle button?

You can import tkinter library (Use capital letter for python 2.7):

import Tkinter 

Create tkinter objects...

root = tk.Tk()

...and tkinter button

toggle_btn = tk.Button(text="Toggle", width=12, relief="raised")toggle_btn.pack(pady=5)root.mainloop()

Now create a new command button called "toggle" in order to create the effect of "toggle" when you press playing on the relief property (sunken or raised) :

def toggle():    if toggle_btn.config('relief')[-1] == 'sunken':        toggle_btn.config(relief="raised")    else:        toggle_btn.config(relief="sunken")

At the end apply this behaviour on your button:

toggle_btn = tk.Button(text="Toggle", width=12, relief="raised", command=toggle)

The background and fg are set only in the if-clause. You need to set them also in the else clause:

def onNightMode(self):    if index:        self.text.config(font=('courier', 12, 'normal'), background='black', fg='green')    else:        self.text.config(font=('courier', 12, 'normal'))    index = not index


else:    self.text.config(font=('courier', 12, 'normal'), background='green', fg='black')

Here's a code snippet that will help you with the toggle button animation if you would like to. You only need to add the functions that you want to execute when clicking of course, that's up to you.

'''    import tkinter as tk    # --- functions ---    def move(steps=10, distance=0.1):        if steps > 0:            # get current position            relx = float(frame.place_info()['relx'])            # set new position            frame.place_configure(relx=relx+distance)            # repeate it after 10ms            root.after(10, move, steps-1, distance)    def toggle(event):        if button["text"] == "Yes":            move(25, 0.02)  # 50*0.02 = 1            button["text"] = "No"            print("Clicked on yes")        elif button["text"] == "No":            move(25, -0.02)            button["text"] = "Yes"            print("Clicked on no")    # --- main --    root = tk.Tk()    frame = tk.Frame(root, background='red'), rely=0, relwidth=0.5, relheight=1)    # to center label and button    #frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)    #frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)    #frame.grid_rowconfigure(3, weight=1)    button = tk.Button(frame, text='Yes',width=5,height=1),rely=0.5,relwidth=0.5, relheight=0.1)    button.bind("<Button-1>",toggle)    root.mainloop()