How to delete a character right after it was entered in Tkinter? How to delete a character right after it was entered in Tkinter? tkinter tkinter

How to delete a character right after it was entered in Tkinter?

Here is the code you've provided, I changed the Tk.text to a tk.entry, you can still resize through .configure, its essentially the same thing.

If the problem you are trying to resolve is removing a character before it is visible you need to use '''tk.END''' to essentially clear the entry as a key is pressed, if you run the code nothing will show but you'll still print the character that you pressed.

I've also changed the bind to the actual window instead of the entry, but it should work the same either way

If you have any questions let me know

import tkinter as tkwindow = tk.Tk()def handle_keypress(event):    #capture character entered, print it, then empty the textfield    print(event.char)    input1.delete(0, tk.END)#changed from tk.text to tk.entry, you can use .configure(textvariable) to have further controlinput1 = tk.Entry()input1.pack()#binded to window    window.bind("<Key>", handle_keypress)window.mainloop()