how to enable & disable tabs in a Tkinter/Tix Python GUI how to enable & disable tabs in a Tkinter/Tix Python GUI tkinter tkinter

how to enable & disable tabs in a Tkinter/Tix Python GUI

In general how you disable widgets in Tkinter is by setting the "state" option to Tk.DISABLED or more foolproof just setting it to a string saying "disabled". The following grays out and disables your tab:, state="disabled")

with 0 being the index of the tab you want to disable, and notebook being your notebook object. Does that answer your question?

Below is a simple notebook example to demonstrate:

import Tkinterimport ttkwindow = Tkinter.Tk()notebook = ttk.Notebook(window)notebook.pack()subframe = Tkinter.Frame(window)subframe.pack()notebook.add(subframe, text="tab", state="normal")def buttonaction():, state="disabled")button = Tkinter.Button(subframe, command=buttonaction, text="click to disable tab")button.pack()if __name__ == "__main__":    window.mainloop()

This might be what you are looking for:

nb.pageconfigure('hard_disk', state=Tix.DISABLED)