How to insert/set data in a Tkinter TkTable How to insert/set data in a Tkinter TkTable tkinter tkinter

How to insert/set data in a Tkinter TkTable

Well I figured out a solution by defining a tktable.ArrayVar(master) variable after revisiting the example in the download of TkTable. Please post if there are better solutions.

Here is my example I could get working to load pre-existing data values into a TkTable:

import tkinter as tkimport tktabledef table_test():    #### DEFINES THE INTERFACE ####    master = tk.Tk()    master.geometry('500x200+250+200')    master.title('Dogs')    #### DEFINING THE TABLE ####    tb = tktable.Table(master,                       state='disabled',                       width=50,                       titlerows=1,                       rows=5,                       cols=4,                       colwidth=20)    columns = ['Breed','Price','Location','Age']    #### LIST OF LISTS DEFINING THE ROWS AND VALUES IN THOSE ROWS ####    values = [['Doodle','1500','Chicago','1'],              ['Pug','700','Kansas City','2'],              ['Westie','1000','Lincoln','1'],              ['Poodle','900','Atlanta','2']]    #### SETS THE DOGS INTO THE TABLE ####    #### VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ####    #DEFINING THE VAR TO USE AS DATA IN TABLE    var = tktable.ArrayVar(master)    row_count=0    col_count=0    #SETTING COLUMNS    for col in columns:        index = "%i,%i" % (row_count,col_count)        var[index] = col        col_count+=1    row_count=1    col_count=0    #SETTING DATA IN ROWS    for row in values:        for item in row:            print(item)            index = "%i,%i" % (row_count,col_count)            ## PLACING THE VALUE IN THE INDEX CELL POSITION ##            var[index] = item            #### IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT, JUST SETTING SOME CELL COLOR ####            try:                if int(item) > 999:                    tb.tag_cell('green',index)            except:                pass            ###############################################################            col_count+=1               col_count=0        row_count+=1    #### ABOVE CODE SETS THE DOG INTO THE TABLE ####    ################################################    #### VARIABLE PARAMETER SET BELOW ON THE 'TB' USES THE DATA DEFINED ABOVE ####    tb['variable'] = var    tb.pack()    #tb.tag_cell('green',index)    tb.tag_configure('green', background='green')    #### MAINLOOPING ####    tk.mainloop()table_test()

Example TkTable