how to know all style options of a ttk widget how to know all style options of a ttk widget tkinter tkinter

how to know all style options of a ttk widget

I found your question interesting as I had asked myself the same question but have not found time to address it until now. I have written a function called stylename_elements_options(stylename) to do just this. Sharing it here. Hope it can benefit you (although it is 6 months late) and any tkinter users asking the same question.


import tkinter as tkimport tkinter.ttk as ttkdef stylename_elements_options(stylename):    '''Function to expose the options of every element associated to a widget       stylename.'''    try:        # Get widget elements        style = ttk.Style()        layout = str(style.layout(stylename))        print('Stylename = {}'.format(stylename))        print('Layout    = {}'.format(layout))        elements=[]        for n, x in enumerate(layout):            if x=='(':                element=""                for y in layout[n+2:]:                    if y != ',':                        element=element+str(y)                    else:                        elements.append(element[:-1])                        break        print('\nElement(s) = {}\n'.format(elements))        # Get options of widget elements        for element in elements:            print('{0:30} options: {1}'.format(                element, style.element_options(element)))    except tk.TclError:        print('_tkinter.TclError: "{0}" in function'              'widget_elements_options({0}) is not a regonised stylename.'              .format(stylename))stylename_elements_options('my.Vertical.TScrollbar')

The issue is that if you really want to control a style in detail you need to use the layout. So first identify the widget class using:


Then use the command

>>> s.layout('TButton')[("Button.border", {"children": [("Button.focus", {"children": [("Button.spacing",{"children": [("Button.label", {"sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "nswe", "border": "1"})] 

Finally change what you want:

s.layout("MYButton.TButton",[("Button.border", {"children": [("Button.focus", {"children": [("Button.spacing", {"children": [("Button.label", {"sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "nswe"})], "sticky": "we", "border": "1"})]

This made the trick for me and finally provides me a way to control my ttk widget!!!


Building on SunBear's script:

import tkinter as tkimport tkinter.ttk as ttkdef iter_layout(layout, tab_amnt=0, elements=[]):    """Recursively prints the layout children."""    el_tabs = '  '*tab_amnt    val_tabs = '  '*(tab_amnt + 1)    for element, child in layout:        elements.append(element)        print(el_tabs+ '\'{}\': {}'.format(element, '{'))        for key, value in child.items():            if type(value) == str:                print(val_tabs + '\'{}\' : \'{}\','.format(key, value))            else:                print(val_tabs + '\'{}\' : [('.format(key))                iter_layout(value, tab_amnt=tab_amnt+3)                print(val_tabs + ')]')        print(el_tabs + '{}{}'.format('} // ', element))    return elementsdef stylename_elements_options(stylename, widget):    """Function to expose the options of every element associated to a widget stylename."""    try:        # Get widget elements        style = ttk.Style()        layout = style.layout(stylename)        config = widget.configure()        print('{:*^50}\n'.format(f'Style = {stylename}'))        print('{:*^50}'.format('Config'))        for key, value in config.items():            print('{:<15}{:^10}{}'.format(key, '=>', value))        print('\n{:*^50}'.format('Layout'))        elements = iter_layout(layout)        # Get options of widget elements        print('\n{:*^50}'.format('element options'))        for element in elements:            print('{0:30} options: {1}'.format(                element, style.element_options(element)))    except tk.TclError:        print('_tkinter.TclError: "{0}" in function'                'widget_elements_options({0}) is not a regonised stylename.'                .format(stylename))widget = ttk.Button(None)class_ = widget.winfo_class()stylename_elements_options(class_, widget)

Prints the config options as well as the layout tree.