How to make others use my Python Script [duplicate] How to make others use my Python Script [duplicate] tkinter tkinter

How to make others use my Python Script [duplicate]

You can use py2exe(windows), py2app(Mac OS X) or cx_freeze to convert your application to an executable.

cx_Freeze is cross platform and should work on any platform that Python itself works on.

You need to convert it to an executable. py2exe is a module that does this for you.

Follow the tutorial here.

use cx_freeze i checked it.

cx_Freeze is a module used to create the python scripts into an executable(.exe) file. It is very easy method.

  1. Download and install cx_Freeze windows binary for your python version from

  2. Find the location of the your source code folder. for example- I created a and stored it in c:\samp. c:\samp\

    x="hai this is an exe file created from python scripts using cxfreeze. Press Enter to exit >> "y=input(x)
  3. Create a folder to store the build file(.exe and other files). for eg- i created a folder c:\samp\build\

  4. Open Command Prompt(start->run type "cmd" press enter) and type console

    C:\Documents and Settings\suh>c:\python32\scripts\cxfreeze c:\samp\ --target-dir=c:\samp\build

for more options type C:\Documents and Settings\suh>c:\python32\scripts\cxfreeze -help