How to refresh the contents within the Python TKINTER Tab? How to refresh the contents within the Python TKINTER Tab? tkinter tkinter

How to refresh the contents within the Python TKINTER Tab?

Try to fetch the values again and then insert the new values after deleting the existing values, like:

def refresh_clicked(self):    command = """SELECT et.`Equipment Type`, COUNT(i.`Equipment Type`) Total, SUM(IF(`Status`='Unavailable',1,0)) Unavailable, SUM(IF(`Status`='Available',1,0)) Available FROM `Equipment Types` et LEFT JOIN Inventory i ON et.`Equipment Type` = i.`Equipment Type` GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1"""    mycursor.execute(command)    display = mycursor.fetchall()        self.tree.delete(*self.tree.get_children()) # Delete all times inside the treeview        for row in display:        self.tree.insert('','end',value=row) # Insert newly fetched values  

Note that I used self.tree, so you need to declare the Treeview with self.tree and do all other methods with self.tree and so on.

I am not currently in front of a system, so I hope this code works and is not tested yet, let me know for any mistakes and changes.

you can use

for widgets in yourwidgetname.winfo_children():    widgets.destroy()

and reinitialize it by calling the function that initialize them

you can destroy all the widgets in a Frame by this way and it wont destroy completely your frame. it will destroy its child widgets.