How to run a python tkinter app without appearing in unity panel or alt-tab How to run a python tkinter app without appearing in unity panel or alt-tab tkinter tkinter

How to run a python tkinter app without appearing in unity panel or alt-tab

To move a window without borders you can take a look at this question for a simple example of how to implement what you want and just keep building on top of it.

For the hiding, you could use .iconify(), theoretically minimizing the app to the tray thus hiding it, and .deiconify(), for example:

root = tk.Tk()root.iconify()

ps. If it don't work on Ubuntu/Unity you may have to use other GUI framework with support for this behavior on Ubuntu, like GTK.

import tkinter    root = tkinter.Tk()root.withdraw()root.mainloop()

Will hide the window.

Make your own titlebar, like so:

import sysimport tkinter as tkimport tkinter.ttk as ttkroot = tk.Tk() #create the windowtitlebar = tk.Label(root,height=2, bg='cyan', fg='navyblue', text=sys.argv[0]) #create the titlebarresizable = ttk.Sizegrip(root) #make the window resizabletitlebar.pack(fill='both') # display the titlebarroot.overrideredirect(1) #make the window run without appearing in alt tab#root.withdraw() #root.deiconify()root.geometry('200x200') #set the window size to 200x200resizable.pack(fill='y',side='right')def ontitlebarclicked(event):    global lastposition    lastposition=[event.x,event.y] def ontitlebardragged(event):    global lastposition    windowposition=[int(i) for i in root.geometry().split('+')[1:]] # get the window position    diffposition=[event.x-lastposition[0],event.y-lastposition[1]]    widthheight=root.geometry().split('+')[0]    root.geometry(widthheight+'+'+str(windowposition[0]+diffposition[0])+'+'+str(windowposition[1]+diffposition[1]))titlebar.bind('<Button-1>',ontitlebarclicked)titlebar.bind('<Button1-Motion>',ontitlebardragged)titlebar.focus_force()