How to store tkinter button widgets in a dictionary? How to store tkinter button widgets in a dictionary? tkinter tkinter

How to store tkinter button widgets in a dictionary?

You don't need to use json as you are not working with a JSON object but a python dictionary.

Here is your code refactored to populate the app with 3 buttons;

[UPDATED] Although you will need to completely refactor your code because your for loop is populating the clipboard with everything in your dictionary immediately.

from tkinter import *from tinydb import TinyDB, Querydb = TinyDB('clipboard.json')root = Tk()root.title("CopyNotes")root.geometry()mynotes = {    "B1": ["button1label","button1note"],     "B2":["button2label","button2note"],     "B3":["button3label","button3note"]}def cp_to_cb_and_db(note, key):    root.clipboard_append(note[key][1])    print('[+] Adding note: {} to clipboard.'.format(note))    db.insert({key: note})for key in mynotes:    btnz = Button(        root,         text=mynotes[key][0],         font="Helvetica 10 bold",         bg="silver",         command=cp_to_cb_and_db(mynotes, key),         height=2,         width=13).pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)root.mainloop()