How to use Python tkSimpleDialog.askstring How to use Python tkSimpleDialog.askstring tkinter tkinter

How to use Python tkSimpleDialog.askstring

tkSimpleDialog.askstring returns None if the user clicks Cancel or closes the window (instead of clicking Ok or using the Enter key); you should check for that (what do you want to do if the user chooses to cancel? surely not call urlopen anyway...).

Apart from that, you're using the function correctly; I imagine that by "has no value" you mean is None, right?

root = Tk()   try:        urltoopen = tkSimpleDialog.askstring('Ask Address', 'Where do we get the pictures from?')        usock = urllib2.urlopen(urltoopen)                                                               data =                                                                              usock.close()                                                                                    a = data                                                                                 except:                                                                                                  sys.exit()    

works fine. But it does need error handling (as mentioned by Alex).