I want to Print my output on pop up window? how should I approach? I want to Print my output on pop up window? how should I approach? tkinter tkinter

I want to Print my output on pop up window? how should I approach?

Print message inside tkinter window rather than terminal

If you just want to print the message in the root window, you can use a label widget like this in the following code:

import tkinter as tkmaster = tk.Tk()def write_slogan():    info_message = "Your message"    tk.Label(master, text=info_message).grid(row=2, column=1) btn = tk.Button(master, text='ORDER Number', command=write_slogan)btn.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=tk.W, pady=4)master.mainloop()


Print message in a separate pop-up window

You can use a message box from the tkinter messagebox module to pop up some info with your info message displayed in it.

import tkinter as tkimport tkinter.messagebox as tkmbdef write_slogan():    info_message = "Your message"    # info message box    tkmb.showinfo("Output", info_message)master = tk.Tk()btn = tk.Button(master, text='ORDER Number', command=write_slogan)btn.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=tk.W, pady=4)master.mainloop()


Creating a toplevel window as a pop up window

import tkinter as tkimport tkinter.messagebox as tkmbdef write_slogan():    # toplevel window    top_win = tk.Toplevel(master)    top_win.title('Toplevel')    info_message = "Your message"    # info message box    tk.Label(top_win, text=info_message).grid(row=0, column=0) master = tk.Tk()master.title('Master')btn = tk.Button(master, text='ORDER Number', command=write_slogan)btn.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=tk.W, pady=4)master.mainloop()


So if you have a list of messages (fruits) to print, you can use the following method to save previous result and print the new one

import tkinter as tkwindow = tk.Tk()# list of fruitsfruits = ['Mango', 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', ]#action to be performed when button clickeddef clicked():    for ind, fruit in enumerate(fruits):        # print names in the tkinter window        # create a label widget        names_label = tk.Label(window)        # give it a position using grid        names_label.grid(row=int(ind)+1, column=0)        # print the fruit name in the label        names_label.config(text=fruit)btn = tk.Button(window, text="Print fruits", command=clicked)btn.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=30, pady=2)window.mainloop()


gui window

Click on Print fruits button to print all the fruit names

gui window 2

The important thing to understand here is the for loop is used to create as many Label widgets equal to the number of elements in the list and the list item index is used for giving row and column positions to these label widgets.

Printing the names in a toplevel window

import tkinter as tkwindow = tk.Tk()# list of fruitsfruits = ['Mango', 'Apple', 'Orange', 'Banana', ]#action to be performed when button clickeddef clicked():    # create a toplevel    top_window = tk.Toplevel(window)    for ind, fruit in enumerate(fruits):        # print names in the tkinter window        # create a label widget in top_window        names_label = tk.Label(top_window)        # give it a position using grid        names_label.grid(row=int(ind)+1, column=0)        # print the fruit name in the label        names_label.config(text=fruit)btn = tk.Button(window, text="Print fruits", command=clicked)btn.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=30, pady=2)window.mainloop()


toplevel gui