ImageTk.PhotoImage can't display image properly ImageTk.PhotoImage can't display image properly tkinter tkinter

ImageTk.PhotoImage can't display image properly

You're having overflow problems when you're casting things back to uint8s.

You're converting with (img_plot1*255.999).round().astype(np.uint8), but this will overflow for values near or at 1. (anything greater than 0.998)

Assuming img_plot1 will always contain values between 0 and 1, I think you meant to just do either:

(img_plot1 * 255.99).astype(np.uint8)


(img_plot1 * 255).round().astype(np.uint8) 

The round call will round up or down, whereas a pure int cast is effectively a floor call.

However, just guessing from the "bands" in the output image, your input data is overflowing and "wrapping" multiple times. Therefore, your input data probably has a greater range than 0-1.

Therefore, if you don't want to worry about the exact range of values in img_plot1, you could just rescale it to 0-255 based on its range:

rescaled = 255 * (img_plot1 - img_plot1.min()) / img_plot1.ptp()foto = Image.fromarray(rescaled.astype(np.uint8), mode='L')

You can also use np.digitize to rescale the array, but it winds up being less readable, i.m.o. Also have a look at np.clip if you want to clip values above and below a threshold (e.g. 0 and 255).