Implementing a switch case statement that uses multiple arguments to validate register input in python tkinter Implementing a switch case statement that uses multiple arguments to validate register input in python tkinter tkinter tkinter

Implementing a switch case statement that uses multiple arguments to validate register input in python tkinter

I would do it something like this:

def checkpassword(p: str, p2 : str):    length=len(p)    conditions=[p != p2 ,' ' in p , p == '' , length<=8,length>=20]    errormsg=["Passwords do not match.",     "Password cannot contain blank.",     "Password cannot be blank",     "Password is less than 8 characters",    "Password is more than 20 characters"]    return '\n'.join([dtext for func,dtext in zip(conditions,errormsg) if func is True])def checkuser(u : str):    length = len(u)    conditions=[checkinfile(u),' ' in u, u == '', length<=8,length>=20]    errormsg=["Username already exists.",     "Username cannot contain blank.",     "Username cannot be blank.",     "Username is less than 8 characters",    "Username is more than 20 characters"]    return '\n'.join([dtext for func,dtext in zip(conditions,errormsg) if func is True])def checkinfile(u : str):    with open("accounts_list") as f:        if u in            return True    return Falsedef validate_and_submit():    u = register_entry_username.get()    p,p2 = register_entry_password.get(), confirm_entry_password.get()    erroruser, errorpassword = checkuser(u),checkpassword(p,p2)    if any([erroruser,errorpassword]):        show_bad_input(erroruser + errorpassword)    else:        perform_registration(u,p)def perform_registration(u, p):    ''' do wheatever is needed when all contitions are met'''