Importing excel sheet using tkinter and openpyxl Importing excel sheet using tkinter and openpyxl tkinter tkinter

Importing excel sheet using tkinter and openpyxl

The problem is that you are passing a button where the file_name should be, try like this:

Import all modules first

from tkinter import *from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfilefrom openpyxl import load_workbook

Create your window :

root = Tk()root.geometry('200x100')

Then create your function :

def open_file():    file = askopenfile(mode ='r', filetypes =[('Excel Files', '*.xlsx *.xlsm *.sxc *.ods *.csv *.tsv')]) # To open the file that you want.     #' mode='r' ' is to tell the filedialog to read the file    # 'filetypes=[()]' is to filter the files shown as only Excel files    wb = load_workbook(filename = # Load into openpyxl    wb2 =    #Whatever you want to do with the WorkSheet

then everything else :

btn = Button(root, text ='Open', command = open_file)btn.pack(side='top')mainloop()