Interactive periodic table with Tkinter & python Interactive periodic table with Tkinter & python tkinter tkinter

Interactive periodic table with Tkinter & python

There are two mistakes in this code specific to your question on button widget non-appearance.

  1. At line 522, you need to grid your app, i.e you need to add a.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')

  2. You need to comment out line 507, i.e #self.mainloop(). You only need use .mainloop() once. Instead, you had twice used it.

There appears to be other error(s) in this code. I recommend you add a column of button widgets at a time to help you learn tkinter. I have attached the corrected code here below.

import tkinter as tk# Creates and Initiates class 'App'class App(tk.Frame):    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)        self.parent = parent        self.winfo_toplevel().title("Periodic Table of the Elements")        self.topLabel = tk.Label(self, text="Click the element you would like information about.", font=20)        self.topLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=18)        # Names of tk.Buttons in column 1        column1 = [            ('H', 'Hydrogen', 'Atomic # = 1\nAtomic Weight =1.01\nState = Gas\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('Li', 'Lithium', 'Atomic # = 3\nAtomic Weight = 6.94\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('Na', 'Sodium', 'Atomic # = 11\nAtomic Weight = 22.99\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('K', 'Potassium', 'Atomic # = 19\nAtomic Weight = 39.10\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('Rb', 'Rubidium', 'Atomic # = 37\nAtomic Weight = 85.47\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('Cs', 'Cesium', 'Atomic # = 55\nAtomic Weight = 132.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals'),            ('Fr', 'Francium', 'Atomic # = 87\nAtomic Weight = 223.00\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkali Metals')]        # create all tk.Buttons with a loop        r = 1        c = 0        for b in column1:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="grey",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column2 = [            ('Be', 'Beryllium', 'Atomic # = 4\nAtomic Weight = 9.01\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metals'),            ('Mg', 'Magnesium', 'Atomic # = 12\nAtomic Weight = 24.31\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metal'),            ('Ca', 'Calcium', 'Atomic # = 20\nAtomic Weight = 40.08\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metals'),            ('Sr', 'Strontium', 'Atomic # = 38\nAtomic Weight = 87.62\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metal'),            ('Ba', 'Barium', 'Atomic # = 56\nAtomic Weight = 137.33\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metals'),            ('Ra', 'Radium', 'Atomic # = 88\nAtomic Weight = 226.03\nState = Solid\nCategory = Alkaline Earth Metals')]        r = 2        c = 1        for b in column2:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light green",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column3 = [            ('Sc', 'Scandium', 'Atomic # = 21\nAtomic Weight = 44.96\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Y', 'Yttrium', 'Atomic # = 39\nAtomic Weight = 88.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('La   >|', 'Lanthanum', 'Atomic # = 57\nAtomic Weight = 138.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ac   >|', 'Actinium', 'Atomic # = 89\nAtomic Weight = 227.03\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 2        for b in column3:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column4 = [            ('Ti', 'Titanium', 'Atomic # = 22\nAtomic Weight = 47.90\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Zr', 'Zirconium', 'Atomic # = 40\nAtomic Weight = 91.22\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Hf', 'Hanium', 'Atomic # = 72\nAtomic Weight = 178.49\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Rf', 'Rutherfordium', 'Atomic # = 104\nAtomic Weight = 261.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Tran Metal')]        r = 4        c = 3        for b in column4:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 10:                 r = 1                c += 1        column5 = [            ('V', 'Vanadium', 'Atomic # = 23\nAtomic Weight = 50.94\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Nb', 'Niobium', 'Atomic # = 41\nAtomic Weight = 92.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ta', 'Tantalum', 'Atomic # = 73\nAtomic Weight = 180.95\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ha', 'Hahnium', 'Atomic # = 105\nAtomic Weight = 262.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 4        for b in column5:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5, height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 10:                 r = 1                c += 1        column6 = [            ('Cr', 'Chromium', 'Atomic # = 24\nAtomic Weight = 51.99\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Mo', 'Molybdenum', 'Atomic # = 42\nAtomic Weight = 95.94\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('W', 'Tungsten', 'Atomic # = 74\nAtomic Weight = 183.85\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Sg', 'Seaborgium', 'Atomic # = 106\nAtomic Weight = 266.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 5        for b in column6:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column7 = [            ('Mn', 'Manganese', 'Atomic # = 25\nAtomic Weight = 178.49\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Tc', 'Technetium', 'Atomic # = 43\nAtomic Weight = 178.49\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Re', 'Rhenium', 'Atomic # = 75\nAtomic Weight = 178.49\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Bh', 'Bohrium', 'Atomic # = 107\nAtomic Weight = 262.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 6        for b in column7:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column8 = [            ('Fe', 'Iron', 'Atomic # = 26\nAtomic Weight = 55.85\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ru', 'Ruthenium', 'Atomic # = 44\nAtomic Weight = 101.07\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Os', 'Osmium', 'Atomic # = 76\nAtomic Weight = 190.20\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Hs', 'Hassium', 'Atomic # = 108\nAtomic Weight = 265.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 7        for b in column8:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column9 = [            ('Co', 'Cobalt', 'Atomic # = 27\nAtomic Weight = 58.93\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Rh', 'Rhodium', 'Atomic # = 45\nAtomic Weight = 102.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ir', 'Iridium', 'Atomic # = 77\nAtomic Weight = 192.22\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Mt', 'Meitnerium', 'Atomic # = 109\nAtomic Weight = 266.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 8        for b in column9:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column10 = [            ('Ni', 'Nickle', 'Atomic # = 28\nAtomic Weight = 58.70\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pd', 'Palladium', 'Atomic # = 46\nAtomic Weight = 106.40\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pt', 'Platinum', 'Atomic # = 78\nAtomic Weight = 195.09\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 9        for b in column10:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column11 = [            ('Cu', 'Copper', 'Atomic # = 29\nAtomic Weight = 63.55\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ag', 'Silver', 'Atomic # = 47\nAtomic Weight = 107.97\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Au', 'Gold', 'Atomic # = 79\nAtomic Weight = 196.97\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 10        for b in column11:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column12 = [            ('Zn', 'Zinc', 'Atomic # = 30\nAtomic Weight = 65.37\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Cd', 'Cadmium', 'Atomic # = 48\nAtomic Weight = 112.41\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Hg', 'Mercury', 'Atomic # = 80\nAtomic Weight = 200.59\nState = Liquid\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 4        c = 11        for b in column12:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column13_1 = [            ('B', 'Boron', 'Atomic # = 5\nAtomic Weight = 10.81\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals')]        r = 2        c = 12        for b in column13_1:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Blue",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column13_2 = [            ('Al', 'Aluminum', 'Atomic # = 13\nAtomic Weight = 26.98\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('Ga', 'Gallium', 'Atomic # = 31\nAtomic Weight = 69.72\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('In', 'Indium', 'Atomic # = 49\nAtomic Weight = 69.72\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('Ti', 'Thallium', 'Atomic # = 81\nAtomic Weight = 204.37\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals')]        r = 3        c = 12        for b in column13_2:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Pink",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column14_1 = [            ('C', 'Carbon', 'Atomic # = 6\nAtomic Weight = 12.01\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('Si', 'Silicon', 'Atomic # = 14\nAtomic Weight = 28.09\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals')]        r = 2        c = 13        for b in column14_1:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Blue",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column14_2 = [            ('Ge', 'Germanium', 'Atomic # = 32\nAtomic Weight = 72.59\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('Sn', 'Tin', 'Atomic # = 50\nAtomic Weight = 118.69\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('Pb', 'Lead', 'Atomic # = 82\nAtomic Weight = 207.20\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals')]        r = 4        c = 13        for b in column14_2:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Pink",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column15_1 = [            ('N', 'Nitrogen', 'Atomic # = 7\nAtomic Weight = 14.01\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('P', 'Phosphorus', 'Atomic # = 15\nAtomic Weight = 30.97\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('As', 'Arsenic', 'Atomic # = 33\nAtomic Weight = 74.92\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals')]        r = 2        c = 14        for b in column15_1:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Blue",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column15_2 = [            ('Sb', 'Antimony', 'Atomic # = 51\nAtomic Weight = 121.75\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals'),            ('Bi', 'Bismuth', 'Atomic # = 83\nAtomic Weight = 208.98\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals')]        r = 5        c = 14        for b in column15_2:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Pink",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column16_1 = [            ('O', 'Oxygen', 'Atomic # = 8\nAtomic Weight = 15.99\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('S', 'Sulfur', 'Atomic # = 16\nAtomic Weight = 32.06\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('Se', 'Selenium', 'Atomic # = 34\nAtomic Weight = 78.96\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('Te', 'Tellurium', 'Atomic # = 52\nAtomic Weight = 127.60\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals')]        r = 2        c = 15        for b in column16_1:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Blue",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column16_2 = [            ('Po', 'Polonium', 'Atomic # = 84\nAtomic Weight = 209.00\nState = Solid\nCategory = Other Metals')]        r = 6        c = 15        for b in column16_2:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Pink",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column17 = [            ('F', 'Fluorine', 'Atomic # = 9\nAtomic Weight = 18.99\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('Cl', 'Chlorine', 'Atomic # = 17\nAtomic Weight = 35.45\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('Br', 'Bromine', 'Atomic # = 35\nAtomic Weight = 79.90\nState = Liquid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('I', 'Iodine', 'Atomic # = 53\nAtomic Weight = 126.90\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals'),            ('At', 'Astatine', 'Atomic # = 85\nAtomic Weight = 210.00\nState = Solid\nCategory = Nonmetals')]        r = 2        c = 16        for b in column17:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="Light Blue",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        column18 = [            ('He', 'Helium', 'Atomic # = 2\nAtomic Weight = 4.00\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases'),            ('Ne', 'Neon', 'Atomic # = 10\nAtomic Weight = 20.18\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases'),            ('Ar', 'Argon', 'Atomic # = 18\nAtomic Weight = 39.95\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases'),            ('Kr', 'Krypton', 'Atomic # = 36\nAtomic Weight = 83.80\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases'),            ('Xe', 'Xenon', 'Atomic # = 54\nAtomic Weight = 131.30\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases'),            ('Rn', 'Radon', 'Atomic # = 86\nAtomic Weight = 222.00\nState = Gas\nCategory = Nobel Gases')]        r = 1        c = 17        for b in column18:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="indian red",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        self.fillerLine = tk.Label(self, text="")        self.fillerLine.grid(row=10, column=0)        lanthanide = [            ('>| Ce', 'Cerium', 'Atomic # = 58\nAtomic Weight = 140.12\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pr', 'Praseodymium', 'Atomic # = 59\nAtomic Weight = 140.91\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Nd', 'Neodymium', 'Atomic # = 60\nAtomic Weight = 144.24\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pm', 'Promethium', 'Atomic # = 61\nAtomic Weight = 145.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Sm', 'Samarium', 'Atomic # = 62\nAtomic Weight = 150.40\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Eu', 'Europium', 'Atomic # = 63\nAtomic Weight = 151.96\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Gd', 'Gadolinium', 'Atomic # = 64\nAtomic Weight = 157.25\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Tb', 'Terbium', 'Atomic # = 65\nAtomic Weight = 158.93\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Dy', 'Dyprosium', 'Atomic # = 66\nAtomic Weight = 162.50\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Ho', 'Holmium', 'Atomic # = 67\nAtomic Weight = 164.93\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Er', 'Erbium', 'Atomic # = 68\nAtomic Weight = 167.26\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Tm', 'Thulium', 'Atomic # = 69\nAtomic Weight = 168.93\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Yb', 'Ytterbium', 'Atomic # = 70\nAtomic Weight = 173.04\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Lu', 'Lutetium', 'Atomic # = 71\nAtomic Weight = 174.97\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 11        c = 3        for b in lanthanide:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            c += 1            if c > 18:                 c = 1                r += 1        actinide = [            ('>| Th', 'Thorium', 'Atomic # = 90\nAtomic Weight = 232.04\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pa', 'Protactinium', 'Atomic # = 91\nAtomic Weight = 231.04\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('U', 'Uranium', 'Atomic # = 92\nAtomic Weight = 238.03\nState = Solid\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Np', 'Neptunium', 'Atomic # = 93\nAtomic Weight = 237.05\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Pu', 'Plutonium', 'Atomic # = 94\nAtomic Weight = 244.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Am', 'Americium', 'Atomic # = 95\nAtomic Weight = 243.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Cm', 'Curium', 'Atomic # = 96\nAtomic Weight = 247\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Bk', 'Berkelium', 'Atomic # = 97\nAtomic Weight = 247\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Cf', 'Californium', 'Atomic # = 98\nAtomic Weight = 247\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Es', 'Einsteinium', 'Atomic # = 99\nAtomic Weight = 252.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Fm', 'Fermium', 'Atomic # = 100\nAtomic Weight = 257.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Md', 'Mendelevium', 'Atomic # = 101\nAtomic Weight = 260.00\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('No', 'Nobelium', 'Atomic # = 102\nAtomic Weight = 259\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals'),            ('Lr', 'Lawrencium', 'Atomic # = 103\nAtomic Weight = 262\nState = Synthetic\nCategory = Trans Metals')]        r = 12        c = 3        for b in actinide:            tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="light goldenrod",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            c += 1            if c > 18:                 c = 1                r += 1        reset = [            ('Reset', 'Click the element you would like information about.', '')]        r = 12        c = 0        for b in reset:             tk.Button(self,                      text=b[0],                      width=5,                      height=2,                      bg="black",                      fg="white",                      command=lambda text=b:[1]) &[2])).grid(row=r, column=c)            r += 1            if r > 7:                 r = 1                c += 1        self.infoLine = tk.Label(self, text="", justify='left')        self.infoLine.grid(row=1, column=3, columnspan=10, rowspan=4)        #self.mainloop() #Comment or remove it    # Replaces Label at the top with the name of whichever element tk.Button was pressed    def name(self, text):         self.topLabel.config(text=text)    # Displays information on the element of whichever element tk.Button was pressed    def info(self, text):         self.infoLine.config(text=text)# Creates an instance of 'app' classdef main():    root = tk.Tk()    a = App(root)    a.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew') #You forgot to grid your App    a.mainloop()# runs main functionif __name__ == "__main__":     main()

I struggled to get the code to run per Sun Bear. I had to change the lambda function to get the text , add some blank lines to get the screen to look nicer when picking. I can send full script, ask to

Change all lamba to:command=lambda text=b[1]+b[2] : ).grid(row=r, column=c)Modify label to:self.topLabel = tk.Label(self, text="\n\n\n\nClick the element you would like information about.", font=20)