Linux Mint Tkinter transparent window Linux Mint Tkinter transparent window tkinter tkinter

Linux Mint Tkinter transparent window

Just setting root.attributes('-alpha', 0.1) does nothing for me as well in Linux, even after withdrawing/restoring the window. However, for a reason unknown to me, if you change the type of root first (even setting it to 'normal'), then the window becomes transparent:

from Tkinter import *root = Tk()root.attributes('-type', 'normal')root.attributes('-alpha', 0.1)root.mainloop()

'-type' is a X11 only attribute.

As for your other attempts, attributes and wm_attributes are the same function so it is logical that your attempt with root.wm_attributes('-alpha', 0.1) did not work either.Moreover, according to tcl/tk documentation '-transparentcolor' is a Windows only attribute, so it does not work in Linux.