Looping Buttons in tkinter and function assignment Looping Buttons in tkinter and function assignment tkinter tkinter

Looping Buttons in tkinter and function assignment

Define a function to print the contents of one sheet, taking the sheet number as an argument. Then, use functools.partial to associate a command with each button:

def print_sheet(sheet_number):    ...for i in range(0, num_sheets):    an_sheet = ttk.Button(..., command = partial(print_sheet, i))    ...

Here's a short but complete example of creating buttons in a loop:

import tkinter as tkfrom tkinter import ttkfrom functools import partialroot = tk.Tk()def print_sheet(i):    print("printing sheet %d" % i)for i in range(0, 5):    button = ttk.Button(root, text="Button %d" % i,                        command=partial(print_sheet, i))    button.pack()root.mainloop()

So you are asking about how to iterate through a set of functions and assign them?

You could use a dictionary

Example from my A-level computing coursework

self.screen_info = {"Email Customer":  {"button_names": ["Enter Email"],         "commands": [self.email_from_email]},                    "Text Customer":   {"button_names": ["Enter Number"],        "commands": [self.text_from_number]},                    "Backup Database": {"button_names": ["Choose Location"],     "commands": [backup_database.backup]},                    "Export Database": {"button_names": ["As .txt", "As .csv"],  "commands": [lambda: export.main("txt"), lambda: export.main("csv")]}}def populate(self):    for key in self.screen_info.keys():        self.screen_info[key]["parent"] = tk.Frame(self.screens, width = 300, height = 300, bg = "#E6E6FA")        self.screen_info[key]["parent"].place(relx = 0.5, rely = 0.5, anchor = tk.CENTER)        for num in range(len(self.screen_info[key]["button_names"])):            self.screen_info[key]["button_names"][num] = tk.Button(self.screen_info[key]["parent"],                                                                   width = 20,                                                                   text = self.screen_info[key]["button_names"][num],                                                                   font = ("Ariel", 11, "bold"),                                                                   command = self.screen_info[key]["commands"][num])            self.screen_info[key]["button_names"][num].place(relx = 0.5, y = 60 + num * 40, anchor = tk.CENTER)

So this will iterate through the dictionary creating everything and assign commands. I used lambda for 'Export Database' as the function requires a parameter and if i didn't use lambda then the function would run as soon as the program was launched

EDIT I overwrite each key-value in the dictionary with the associated widget but if you are not referring to them again you don't even need to set a variable, key to them