MessageBox pause - Python MessageBox pause - Python tkinter tkinter

MessageBox pause - Python

By using the base class Dialog of tkinter.simpledialog module we can create any custom dialog boxes.

enter image description here

Here's how I did it.

from tkinter import *import tkinter.simpledialog as sdclass WaitAlert(sd.Dialog):    """An alert which will wait for a given time before user can interact.    Args:        parent: Takes the parent window instance.        title (str): Main heading of the alert.        message (str): Information to display.        pause (int): Time till inactive. (in seconds)        show_timer (boolean): Shows countdown."""    def __init__(self, parent, title=None, message=None, pause=None, show_timer=False):        self.message = message or ''        self.pause = pause        self.show_timer = show_timer        super().__init__(parent, title=title)    def body(self, master):        # For macOS, we can use the below command to achieve a window similar to an alert.        # Comment the below line if you are on windows."::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", self._w, "moveableAlert")        Label(master, text=self.message).pack()    def _timer(self, count, b1, b2):        "Timer function."        if count > 0:            if self.show_timer: b1['text'] = str(count)            self.after(1000, self._timer, count-1, b1, b2)        else:            if self.show_timer: b1['text'] = "OK"            b1['state'] = 'normal'            b2['state'] = 'normal'    def buttonbox(self):        box = Frame(self)        b1 = Button(box, text="OK", width=10, command=self.ok, default=ACTIVE, state='disabled')        b1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)        b2 = Button(box, text="Cancel", width=10, command=self.cancel, state='disabled')        b2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5)        if self.pause is not None:             self._timer(self.pause, b1, b2)        self.bind("<Return>", self.ok)        self.bind("<Escape>", self.cancel)        box.pack()    def apply(self):        self.result = True        return super().apply()

Now you can either save this class in a separate python file and use it by importing it. For example, I saved it as and then import it in your main file (from tkDialog import WaitAlert) or you can keep it at the beginning of your main file.

Here is a small example on how to use it.

from tkinter import *from tkDialog import WaitAlertroot = Tk()# `wm_withdraw()` will hide the window from the screen.root.wm_withdraw()popup = WaitAlert(parent=root,              title='Alert!',               message='Do you want to delete this account?',               pause=5,  # pauses for 5 secs.              show_timer=True) # show countdown.print(popup.result)   # get the result.# If the user clicks "OK" the result will return "True" else return "None".

Hope this helped you.