music player playlist music player playlist tkinter tkinter

music player playlist

I had a look at your code because I haven't worked with mp3play before and thought it was interesting.

Here's what I changed:

  1. I put your code in a class so that it's easier and cleaner to share variables between methods. It also removes the need to mess around with global. Generally cleaned up the code a bit, for example, breaking up excessively long lines. I tried not to change your code where it wasn't necessary though.
  2. Added a trackLocations list that keeps the actual file paths.
  3. Added a line that loads the new file on double clicking in the playlist

This was the result, I hope it helps:

from Tkinter import *import mp3playimport tkFileDialogimport Tkinterimport tkFontimport Tkinter as tkclass musicplay:    def __init__(self): = None        self.play_list = []        self.trackLocations = []        self.root = tk.Tk()        self.root.title("EmoPlayer")        self.root.configure(background='black')        self.root.geometry('300x100+750+300')        self.filename = Tkinter.StringVar() = Tkinter.StringVar()        self.play_list = Tkinter.StringVar()        menubar = Menu(self.root)        filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, bg="black", fg="Orange")        menubar.add_cascade(label='File', menu = filemenu)        filemenu.add_command(label='Open', command = self.open_file)        filemenu.add_separator()        filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', command = self.Exit)        self.root.config(menu=menubar)        open_file = Button(self.root, width = 6, height = 1,                           text = 'Mood',fg='Orange', bg='black')        open_file.grid(row=0, column=3)        play_button = Button(self.root, width = 5, height = 1, text='Play',                             fg='Orange', command =, bg="black")        play_button.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky = W)        stop_button = Button(self.root, width = 5, height = 1, text='Stop',                             fg='Orange', command = self.stop, bg="black")        stop_button.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky = W)        pause_button = Button(self.root, width = 5, height = 1, text='Pause',                              fg='Orange', command = self.pause, bg="black")        pause_button.grid(row=0, column=2)        self.volume_slider = Scale(self.root, label='Volume',                              orient = 'horizontal', fg = 'Orange',                               command = self.vol, bg="black")        self.volume_slider.grid(row=0, column=4)        file_name_label = Label(self.root, font=('Comic Sans', 8),                                fg = 'Orange', wraplength = 300,                      , bg="black")        file_name_label.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=8)        play_list_window = Toplevel(self.root, height = 150, width = 100)        play_list_window.title("Playlist")        self.play_list_display = Listbox(play_list_window, selectmode=EXTENDED,                                    width = 50, bg="Dark Slate grey",                                    fg="Orange")        self.play_list_display.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.tune_changed)        self.play_list_display.pack()        play_list_window.mainloop()        self.root.mainloop()            def open_file(self):                                        """        Opens a dialog box to open .mp3 filemusic,        then sends filename to file_name_label.        """        self.filename.set(tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(            defaultextension = ".mp3",            filetypes=[("All Types", ".*"), ("MP3", ".mp3")]))        self.playlist = self.filename.get()        playlist_pieces = self.playlist.split("/")        self.play_list.set (playlist_pieces[-1])        playl = self.play_list.get()        self.play_list_display.insert(END, playl)        print self.filename.get() = mp3play.load(self.filename.get())        pieces = self.filename.get().split("/")        self.trackLocations += [self.filename.get()][-1])    def play(self):        """Plays the .mp3 file"""    def stop(self):        """Stops the .mp3 file"""                    def pause(self):        """Pauses or unpauses the .mp3 file"""        if          else:      def vol(self, event):        """Allows volume to be changed with the slider"""        v = Scale.get(self.volume_slider)        try:          except:            pass    def tune_changed(self, event):        idx = event.widget.curselection()[0] = mp3play.load(self.trackLocations[int(idx)])        print ("Now playing %s" % event.widget.get(idx))    def Exit(self):        exit()if __name__ == "__main__":    musicplay()

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'The specified device is not open or is not recognized by MCI.'

I also struggled with this error after long google search i found on some German forum a post from some c++ guy who said it was because of ID3v2 tags with witch MCI has problems.

I then used mutagen - Python multimedia tagging library, to strip the tag from mp3 before playing it, since then i never encountered this error again. Also if resorting to mutagen make sure the mp3 file has write permission before stripping of its tag.